- Overview
- Regulations
- CEA Safety Regulations
- Electricity Act 2003
- DERC Supply Code
- DERC Schedule of Charges and Procedures
- DERC Net Metering Regulations and Guidelines
- DERC Open Access Charges Orders
- DERC Tariff Regulations
- DERC Business Plan Regulations
- DERC CGRF Ombudsman Regulations
- DERC (Compensation to Victims of Electrical Accidents) Regulations
- Tariff Related
- Regulatory MIS
- Companies Act & Tax
- Elect. Accidents & Comp.
- Designated officers
- Schedule of Charges and Procedure 2017Download
- Schedule of Charges and the Procedure (First Amendment) Order 2017Download
- Schedule of Charges and the Procedure (Second Amendment) Order 2018Download
- Schedule of Charges and the Procedure (Third Amendment) Order 2018Download
- Schedule of Charges and the Procedure (Fourth Amendment) Order 2019Download
- Schedule of Charges and the Procedure (Fifth Amendment) Order 2019Download
- Schedule of Charges and the Procedure (Sixth Amendment) Order 2021Download
- Schedule of Charges and the Procedure (Sixth Amendment) Order 2021-AnnexureDownload
- Schedule of Charges and the Procedure (Seventh Amendment) Order 2023Download
- DERC Order dated 01.08.2023 Errata 13.09.2023Download
- DERC order on releasing new connections for building height upto 17.5 meters-2019Download
- DERC order on Electrification cost payble by DDA-2022Download
- DERC order on acceptance of architect for building height 2023Download
- DERC MoM regarding Release of Electricity Connections 2023Download
- DDA order on release of Electricity Connections 16.10.2024Download
- Connection for EV charging at Retail Outlets 05.12.2024Download